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Book of the Month:
COM+ Programming

COM+ Programming:
With it being so fashionable to write about the beta .NET framework - books that will be out of date soon after they are published - it is nice to see a book about an established product, and one that has a lengthy future. I am talking about COM+ of course, the .NET framework relies on COM+ for its component services and will do in the future. So it makes sense to learn about COM+ because you can use it now with Windows 2000 and you will use it in the future when .NET is released. More Details...
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Developers Web Ring

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The Developer's Resource & Community Site
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Idude Welcome!The all-new community website aims to be a one stop shop for developers, providing unique content, and also a summary of what else is available on the Net for developers and programmers. is not affiliated to any other company and as such intends to provide a unique view of the programming world, with your help.


What's in it for YOU?
Just take a look. We are just a small team of developers who, with the help of a couple of groovy gurus, have got this far. With your help the community can expand and grow and provide valuable programming information to all developers everywhere.

Baby Dude

This is a community site - everyone's contribution is welcome, crossing international as well as programming language borders. Channel managers will be ensuring that the content in each section is as up to date and as interesting as possible. If you would be interested in joining in, please contact us at [email protected].

We have five main channels - COM(+), XML/XSL, ASP, Java and ATR (All The Rest!). There is also the International Zone for all developers wanting to share resources and whose first language is not English. Then there's Author Central. All contributors will have their own site within Author Central to promote themselves, their knowledge and their products/services. Now how's that for a great opportunity to get yourself in front of other developers and potential employers?!

Universal Marchaller

Quick Tour
Take a look at the discussion groups if you have a question that needs answering, or experience to share (listed left). There are Open Source projects currently running in XML, and some suggestions for OSP's in the COM channel are in the pipeline. Just tell us if you see a niche for a project and we'll publicise it and get it underway. There's also Breaking News and Byte Size (smaller article's and FAQ's), a catalogue for products, jobs and tools, a Code Zone for source code, a bookstore in each channel, competitions, cartoons and lots more! Just visit any channel and take a look around.

Open Publisher
We are an Open Publisher. (What does that mean?).As a result we can provise you with information, experience, ideas and knowledge from other, well known, developers without costing you a penny!.

Weekly Update
Each week, a summary of the new content in the channels can be found her. Channel content will be updated daily. Subscribe to the newsletter and receive a weekly bulletin in your mailbox about what's happening in the community.


We are always looking for feedback, ideas and support. Just contact us, after all we are only human, and let us know what you have found, what you want to see and articles you need.... we can't index the Web on our own!

And finally...
Don't forget to join in - we are only an email away! Sponsorship, advertising, channel support and Newsstream opportunities are available, contact [email protected]

All the best!
The Team and the (©)IGang

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